I believe that the MIT media researchers should continue to improve this wristband because it can be very beneficial in the future. By running more tests and experiments, researchers can fix all the bugs in the wristband an insure that they work properly. If they work properly, people who suffer from seizures are able to tell when they are going to have a seizure. This is helpful because then the seizure victim can find help immediately and find a place to stay that won't harm anyone. In addition, this will help the seizure victim feel more safe and stressed. Originally, many seizures would be sudden, but with this wristband, they do not need to worry about a seizure coming up out of the blue. Finally, the wristband will also show how bad the seizure will be, so people can get the necessary help. These seizure detecting wristbands will be extremely helpful in society and will do nothing but help seizure victims.
Seizure Detecting wristbands |
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