Friday, January 6, 2012

Separating a Mixture


1. Use the spoon to take out the plastic bug from the mixture and place on the tray.
2. Use your fingers to take out the toothpicks from the mixture and place it on the tray.
3. Use the spoon to take out the beans from the mixture and place it onto the tray.
4. Line the funnel with the filter paper and place funnel onto the beaker.
5. Pour mixture down the funnel that is lined with the filter paper.
6. Wait for the mixture to filter.
7. Place the beaker with the filtered water onto the hot plate and turn the hot plate on.
8. While the water is boiling, spread the remaining parts of the mixture onto the lab table and use your fingers to spread it out.
9. Use the magnet and wave it over the parts you just spread out. The magnet will pick up the iron filings from the remaining mixture.
10. Use the beaker tongs to take the beaker off of the hot plate when the water has evaporated and place the beaker on the lab table.
11. Turn off the hot plate and let the beaker cool.
12. Observe all the parts of the mixture.
13. Clean up.

Parts of the mixture:
1. Plastic bug
2. Beans
3. Toothpicks
4. Iron Filings
5. Water
6. Sand
7. Salt